Callonia wrote...
I found site on just when I was going to head on over onto Sankakucomplex for what's happening.
There seems to be a rise in kewl eroge being translated into english.
Not sure how much has already knew about this or not. BUT, I was like oh my god, SHUFFLE EROGE actually being translated into english now?!
That shuffle eroge isn't released but apparently is gunna be released in english soon enough and u guys can get it at that site!!
Also, u guys still remeber me? XP
as I agree with KLoWn... that is OLD news... they made a big deal out of it at AX2009, i was surprised to see it being released soon.
and latest info is:
English publisher =
release date = August 15
price = 70USD(49.95euros) -> 52USD(36.95euros)
format =
Only Digital Download with DRM (5 activations)
this is gonna be a disappointment... It would have been awesome if it was available in physical form for about that much... but the price to me is a huge disappointment.