Toren01 wrote...
well skyrim was great but i looking forward to those DLC's coming out LOL
With all the troubles with Bethesda, the hack, the law-suit, and probably the change in teams, I think the DLC is going to be a long wait Q_Q
Still, I've loved the TES series, started with Morrowind, found Daggerfall, than Oblivion came out just that much faster, God the wait for Skyrim nearly killed me.
I play mostly on PC with Skyrim, for the obvious mods ( ESBs' and neet homes/quests mods mostly) but for the most its a vinnila version, ussally play skyrim 6-8 times a week, ussally for 5-10 hours. and I still love the game.
Although for some reason, i can't bring myself to make a new character, so I ussally play a mixed character on it.