I was in Town yesterday with my best friend and we went into CEX to have a look around, and I wanted to buy myself Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction. Went into the PS2 section and noticed Sonic Heroes was there. While reminiscing about how we played it for hours on end, I ended up buying it for 3 quid. I've already got a copy of the game, but because I wasn't one for taking care of my games in my teenage years, the disc is scratched to the point of no return.
I bought it again partly for nostalgia's sake and I'm kind of creaming over the soundtrack at the moment. The funny thing is, I play better
now after years of not playing it, than I did when I played it constantly. I even still have my 100% completed save file with all A-ranks from cheating, in the days when my Xploder disc worked.
Oh, and that rumour about "Team Eggman" consisting of Eggman, Metal Sonic and Chaos being unlocked once you achieve 100% A-ranks... it isn't true. You unlock Challenge mode which is just a fuckload harder than the main game.
Have you ever played it? Did you like it? If yes, listen this while thinking about it.
If no, listen to it anyway and you can see why I love it.