Tsuvian wrote...
bakapink wrote...
But if it is as small as you state (in there eyes), the argument can also be used in reverse as to why Sony doesn't touch the shares in Square
Which is exactly why I added the point that they just made a contractual agreement with them, which means they must obviously have some faith that FFXV is going to do well and that Square will eventually see a decent profit now or in the future. I can almost guarantee their continued support of Square even if FFXV fails. Final Fantasy
is in no way a small part of what made the Playstation & Playstation 2 a huge success, if they don't buy them out or bail them out someone else will and it is not feasible for them to lose one of the biggest gaming franchises in history to one of their competitors, it wouldn't bode well for their own Playstation 4. Both companies have a very, very long history with each other and I just don't see Sony giving up on Square just because they haven't done well for the past couple of years.
I don't know how well 10/10-2 effected sells in Japan but I wouldn't say square had as big of an influence as Naughty Dog (Jack and Daxter), Sucker Punch (Sly Cooper), Insomniac games (Ratchet and Clank), Capcom (Street Fighter/Devil May Cry/Resident Evil), Kojima (Metal Gear Solid), namco (Okami, Xenosaga), Ubisoft (Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell), and Sony themselves (line of games) had bigger influence. 10 most likely pushed the ps2 out the gate with a strong lead but was forgotten 2 years in with 10-2. After that nothing from square was major.
I can understand that claim towards the Playstation but the Playstation 2.. I can't support it.
Right now the ones carrying the ps3 and now the ps4 are Naughty Dog, with "The Last of US".
Tsuvian wrote...
bakapink wrote...
Ic, so XV will be versus. I do wish that Square would get it's act together, here hoping it'' be midway decent.
Honestly this I don't understand, just because Square has made some bad moves in the past few years you think they don't have their act together? Lets not forget how many years Square has been around and how many successful titles they've had, you can't discredit the rest of their history over only a few years of bad releases.
They haven't had a decent writer/director (in FF 6-10 standards) since 10, constantly changing their director (for Final Fantasy), after each title, to a new one (as if trying to find the shoe that fits). Almost all the great workers from 4-10 left the company and
started/joined their own/other companies or retired. They've fixated on graphics as there focus of improvement and side railed character development and story, which they were most known for, for over a decade.
Some bad moves, some bad choices, some bad focuses, some, recently, really bad (rpg) games.
(played all 3)
Ya Square "has" been around for over 30 years, and "used" to make good games... In the 80-90's. It's been 10 years, since their last hit, since the last time they did enough things right.
Sorry I grew up with Square, watched their rise and fall. You don't wake up suddenly a different person. I do want them to go back to the greatness they were, but I'm not a fanboy enough to continue disillusioning myself into thinking that "It'll be the next title", "That will be the good one" anymore. I stopped after they tricked me with the Final Fantasy 12 promo's.