Shreik wrote...
oh noes tsuyushiro, why did you make uraabe a boyyy x3
more importantly, I hope he realized that it's best to lose to faize because then, Lymle has +1 affinity for him. It IS possible to beat him though.
Aside from whining and comparing it to the other games, (though I do agree it's predictable and basically a total copy of EoT, (I mean, underdevelopped planet first, then medieval planet? what next? more advanced world? sheesh. (I just got to roak btw)
I facepalm'd when he gave the crystals to that AU Earth lady -_- what a 'tard. But of course, if he didn't blunder, there would be no room for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and OVERCOMING oneself and Rising from one's ashes a BETTER MAN. ^o)
Tales of Vesperia, didn't play it, saw the prelude OAV, Yuri definitely is great right from the beginning breaking out of that mold. Though I'd have to say Flynn and Edge are cut from the same one. x_X
Anyway, the whole reason why I posted here is because the scene with welch, (she's TOTALLY Annoying as hell during Item creation I wish you could just make her STFU (other than putting it on mute)) Edge and Bacchus was way too funny. xD *bacchus' Jaw dropping at the side of welch holding up a maid panel and moe little sister outfit xD I thought it was super relevant to this forum ^^
Yeah. And here I thought Welch was quite annoying enough in Till the End of Time, but no... we just had to make her far more annoying in this installment.
Character development is good and all, but that form is just so shallow and overused. It was the only beef I really had with Tales of the Abyss, but there it was at least handled with the deftness it deserved as well as being coupled with other complex issues of the story. Where in The Last Hope that ended up being a huge focus of the game up until the plot really started to unravel towards the last handful of hours.