Super Mario Galaxy

No love for Mario here? What the fuck is up with that?

Anyone aside from me have this game yet? I beat it the day before yesterday and I'm up to 71 stars right now.
I should be getting it tomorrow.
I plan on taking back serveral bad choices to go towards it(Timeshift, Super Paper Mario, Some Star Trek game)
Looks incredibley awesome.
Anyone else know the story behind it being called "U R Mr Gay"?
it's called


sUpeR MaRio GAlaxY

It was code name for it on the 4chan forums while they played the bootleg version before the game came out

Not sure about the codename, but the stars were on the corresponding letters "U R M R G A Y" which spells it out, that humored me
is this game any good
what would u rate it
i might buy it
It beat ocarina of Time as the highest rated game of all time for about 2 days with almost a 98% average of all the reviews it's received. It went down a little and it's at 97.3% and Ocarina is at 97.6%

It's pretty much guaranteed to be game of the year for at least a few shows and magazines out there.

Using only whole numbers or decimals of .5 I'd rate it at 9.5/10

To put it simply, it's classic Mario for the new generation. It integrates the Wiimote without using it overtly or as a crutch/gimmick. You shake it to spin around (Mario's new attack) and point at the screen to collect "star bits" which are little thingies you collect and feed to NPC's called Lumas to unlock levels and transporters within levels to get to secret stars.

The graphics are also great. And not just for the Wii. It's not quite the same as being able to count the hairs on the eyes of a fruit fly like you can on some 360 and PS3 games but the environments are bright, vibrant, and colourful. The character models are modest but well done (particularly Bowser's which is excellent).

It's pretty easy to get the first 60 stars needed to go to the final level of the game and beat Bowser but after that there are another 61 regular stars to collect. Some are secrets in levels. Some you get from comets which rotate around planets and put some condition on the level (limited to 1 health, fast enemies, a time limit, etc). There are also a few mini games like Manta racing but they have shaky controls and the manta racing sucks ass.
I bought it today and brought it home.
But the T.V. is broken and I can't use the one downstairs.
I really am in dispair :cry:
Easily the best 3-d Mario, and my second favorite Mario game of all time. d(")d

*has gotten all 242 stars*
it sounds all good.. but is it hands on and very interactive, cause there no point stuff on the wii if its not very interactive?!
I havnt actually played the game, but iver heard from 2 friends that its frwaking crazy. They go wild over the gravity or w/e.

Me, i stoped with game systems after Nintendo 64. Waste of money (but really never learned how to work those weird as remotes). Im all about PC games.
When I first heard about mario galaxy and saw some promotional videos I wasn't at all impressed. It didn't look like it'd be nearly as fun as 64 or sunshine, but after seeing more gameplay stuff since it's release, it looks really good. I'm definatley gonna buy it once the price comes down to $20 or so.
You'll be waiting quite a while my friend. Halo is still almost full price at game stores and it's on a dead console with two games that are exactly the same thing but newer out already. A game as big as Mario will take a least 6 months to even consider a reasonable drop.
blind_assassin wrote...
You'll be waiting quite a while my friend. Halo is still almost full price at game stores and it's on a dead console with two games that are exactly the same thing but newer out already. A game as big as Mario will take a least 6 months to even consider a reasonable drop.

Waiting a year or two is fine by me, a lot of games take that long to come down. Of course there are some games that just never come down in price, but I don't expect Mario to be one of them. I don't get many games until they come down in price with the exception of one or two games a year. I think I'll get Zelda TP in the next few months(which will probably still be full price or close to it) and will probably buy the new smash bros when it come out in February, otherwise all the games I'm looking into are for the most part $20 or less.
Monster Girl
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