Tsurayu wrote...
PandaKing wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
My favorite video game series, closely followed by Fire Emblem, which depending on my mood switches from time to time. I've played Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia, little bit of Destiny 2, Symphonia, Legendia, Abyss, Vesperia, Dawn of the New World, Narikiri Dungeon 2 and Radiant Mythology... think that's all of them.
Good stuff, though I must admit I'm a little worried that they are pulling the Final Fantasy route. There is fewer and fewer differences between Tales games now. They start going stale like Final Fantasy, and I'll stop playing them.
Anyway, looking forward to Graces. Might actually give me a reason to play my Wii. Plus I'd love for Innocence and Hearts to come out the DS overseas, but that isn't likely to happen. Now it is starting to look like Radiant Mythology 2 won't come to the PSP in the U.S. either.
My GOD you're a huge fan
Yes, yes I am. I'd even go as far to say I'm a fanboy (either with positive connotation or negative.)
Fanboy enough to solely base buying a PS3 if and when Tales of Vesperia is released in the U.S. on the PS3.
Haha well that sounds like all the tales that are US released at least.
For me I love the Tales of series as well and played (copy from tsurayu for ease): Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia, Symphonia, Legendia, Abyss, and Dawn of the New World though only completed eternia, legendia (main story, did like 1-2 side story afterwords of the 6-7), Abyss (current fav.) and Dawn of the New world.
As tsurayu stated, I wish innocence and hearts come over so I can literally play every kind but can only hope.
Graces is definitely one to look forward to, from the previews the graphics are amazing and the fight engine looks great that it looks more like a fighting game. Though I am curious how the fights will progress with the absence of tp gauge. Also I can't imagine how long it will take me to try to 100% the game, seeing how I spent over 300 hours on abyss and still missing an item, title, or so.
Personally I am mainly getting ps3 when I can for Ar tonelico 3 (possibly Ar tonelico, Mana Khemia, and Atelier series are my next fav. rpgs following tales) but I will get Vesperia when it comes out though I am curious as to how the new char. aka white chat (eternia reference) changes the game and how useful she is.
Overall I just can't wait for Graces and continue to play my fav. rpg series tales of...