ZeroOBK wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
Selfish of me I know, but I hope it doesn't because I don't want to have to buy a PS3 and another version of a game I already own.
Or you could ... you know, not buy it.
Tsurayu wrote...
I just can't believe that Namco Bandai would completely betray Microsoft like that.
"Betray Microsoft"? Let's not blow things out of proportion here. Did Namco-Bandai ever make a deal to make Vesperia a permanent exclusive on the 360? I don't remember hearing about that. Is there an article you can give me the link to if that's the case?
Tsurayu wrote...
I understand that Namco Bandai wants money like everyone else, but to completely turn around and destroy Microsoft in Japan like that... they are nuts to piss them off.
Namco-Bandai hardly destroyed Microsoft in Japan. If anything, it's Microsoft's own fault that they can't even sell a million 360s there.
I love the Tales series too much to not buy the PS3 version if it has as many extras as it did.
And I figure there had to be some sort of deal. Why would Namco Bandai work exclusively with Microsoft to begin with? I know that Tales of Vesperia was being programmed back in 2005 when on the 360 was avaiable, but that reasoning doesn't excuse why they stuck with a 360 exclusive in the end. Microsoft used Tales of Vesperia as a foothold in Japan, and Namco Bandai knew it. So Namco Bandai goes ahead and releases and upgraded PS3 version in Japan? That can only hurt Microsoft's reputation. Even if it wasn't Namco Bandai's original intention, that is still a betrayal no matter how we choose to spin it.
Be that as it may, Microsoft needed that reputation boost in Japan. They marketed that you'd only get this generations current Tales game on the 360. Obviously Microsoft saw that this could happen or they would have given Namco Bandai incentive to not release a PS3 version, but alas we'll never know what that is or could have been.
the78thdude wrote...
BAAAH. The "Tales of" series has had a bit of a history of screwing with us. For instance the European and not NA release of Tales of Eternia I think it was. I might be wrong but I know they got one that we didn't. Japanese only is one thing, but Europe too? >.<Also>.<
Oh you referring to the PSP port of Tales of Eternia? Yeah, but the way I see it Europe gets screwed more often than the U.S. does with Tales titles, so I felt fine about letting them have that one. Besides, the PSP isn't region locked so if we want it that bad we can just import the PAL version.