[size=15]Terraria [color=#280000]Server Thread
Running on T-Shock Mod
Members / Participants:
You must have at least 50 posts on Fakku, or an account older than a month to be invited. (With a few exceptions)
2. Don't mess around with buildings, unless you've been green-lighted to do so.
3. Keep your bombs in your pants, we've already had a few headaches that involved dynamite. The server is set to automatically ban anyone who uses explosives, other then people logged in as Fakkuza
4. Don't just hand out server info, talk to admins please. Unless you're inviting a known member of Fakku.
What the hell is this, what is Terraria.
A server thread so we can go over what sort of stuff we'll be doing with other server mates. The game is Terraria, you can find more information at http://terraria.org/
Give me the Server Info please!
PM one of the Admins listed above, look i even linked to their accounts for you so you can PM them. You can also PM them if you have issues logging in, it most likely means the password to the server has been changed.
How often is the server up?
24/7 unless something shitty happens.
What's the Server size?
20 Slots, and playing on a Large Size World.
[size=15]Current[color=lime]Build Projects[/b][/h]
General Blueprint
Works In Progress
East & West Temple
Laying down the ground work for the two temples, which we're going to chain up to the big city up above. Punt and Bartre did a bit of work on the East Temple, it's fairly close to done. outside of some interior work.
Floating City + Chain
The eastern chain is basically done, we're starting to build the entire floating city now. going to make an artificial floating island and then build on it.
[size=15][u]Activites[color=#0066FF] and Events