BlackShogunFox wrote...
Quote:Older IP problem has always been that. U are the type of player that wanted more innovation in one game to shows the difference between this series with the previous series and i understand that as i also sometimes hope that the game can provide something new and fresh.
However u must understand that there are some players that "hated change" they wanted the game to stay close to the previous series and if some thing is changed, they will easily said the game sucks. Fire Emblem 12 with Casual mode, Sonic 2D fans vs 3D fans, Mario 2D vs 3D fans, Monster Hunter claw system and lock on system is probably the best example for this case. So it is very difficult to said which one is correct or not here.
Ok...I will tell you this much look at the Advance Wars series...It went from being a fun unrealistic story driven strategy game to a fun realistic story driven strategy game in the last recent game. What Intelligent System did right was change the tone of that series without making it noticable that the game itself was just as much the same as past entries with more playablity. I could careless if "It is a game that simulates the grittiness of war like a war game should be." That is when an identity crisis usually starts up within a series. An example would be the resident evil series and the silent hill series.
Quote:Well for game review, personally Famitsu or any other reviewer has always been bias toward big companies as they must past companies permission for giving reviews on their product.
The best way to avoid this is just to follow ur gut feeling whether the game is good or bad.
For Example: I love Infinite Space that is released by Sega for DS system as i believe the battle system and the story really hit my taste however IGN reviews said that this game is only 7/10 why? because the game need the player to learn a lot of the battle concept before being able to play the game. This shows because the reviewers taste is also different from us, some can give the marks higher while some can give it lower.
I know that. I am just saying that was the most bias review Famitsu has done in recent memory.
You know what is funny about your example get this IGN "the kings of bias reviews" reviewed Infinite Space which is published by SEGA and developed by Platinum Games. Famitsu reviewed that game also and loved it. My point? IGN is full of casual gamers if the first thing you complain about in a game is a learning curve. Now mind you Famitsu always gives Platinum high marks but here is another example.
(I hate this example)When IGN reviewed Lost Planet 2 the reviewer complained about the respawn system and how he could not stop getting hit by the big monsters. Hmm...what is wrong with his statement? Well I can tell you right now this guy did not play the game at all.
Simple solution too dealing with respawns is too open up nodes around the level so you can respawn there and not at the beginning of the level. I saw the reviewer running up head strong too the creatures like he fucking was wearing a power suit like in your typical I am space marine. I aim weapon at middle of screen on targets and make things dead. That is not how you engage the creatures fight them from a distance or get close use your grappling hook on weak spots of creature and shoot while holding on for dear life (that and many other strategies).
Bottom line...It has in my humble(can't believed I typed this) opinion NOTHING too do with taste if that is the case then maybe it is the reviewer skills at playing video games that need work. I have played a variety of games and I never complain about a learning curve. Why? Simple I always anticipate one however as of late video games have become bastardized and I can already figure out the style of a game without reading a manual most of the time.
Remember taste only applies too the story of that game NOT the playability...
Thats why i said that some innovation can success however some also can easily ruin their whole franchise. Bomberman is one those that easily killed themselves with some stupid generic.... hell it is not even a bomberman.
While for reviews, yes most of them are bias but about "taste", yes taste is applied for playability and genre, not only story. Some of my friends loves football games like PES while some like FIFA. This game has nothing such as story. The thing that differenciate them is the way they played so i believe "taste" also applied for other than story.
Other example, can be given to, hmmm let me said a casual gamer. then we ask him to play megaman game which is easy for us but probably not for them. I believe they will said the game sucks as it is too difficult lol.
pspkiller626 wrote...
I must rant about Capcom's treatment of Megaman... X_X
As each day passes... my fear for the Blue Bomber and Co. increases. MML Legends was supposed to be the first MML game that i was to play but SOMEHOW IT GOT CANCELED (Keiji even offered to finish the game for Capcom but Capcom said NO). The ZX series had a terrible plot but it had excellent gameplay and just for that I'd love to see a third game in the series. Rumors of an MMZ anime or new game have been floating around the internet for quite a while and I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING TO SEE THAT REALIZED. Call me crazy but I love the MMZ Zero instead of the MMX Zero; both are badass but MMZ Zero's design is way better IMO. I'll be getting into the classic series this summer so we'll see about that... on to the X series. WHY HAS THERE BEEN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SINCE X8?? DON'T EVEN TALK ABOUT COMMAND MISSION AS THAT GAME WAS UTTER CRAP. I still wanna know WHAT HAPPENED TO AXL DAMMIT. HECK I STILL WANNA KNOW HOW THE X SERIES WILL LEAD INTO THE ZERO SERIES.
Best MM series IMO would be the Zero series. The story was flawless and they gave Zero the sendoff he deserved, and the gameplay was solid. Next to that would be the X series. Network Transmission/Shooting Star can suck my balls... nah just kiddin. Those were okay games but they didn't really have that 'Megaman' feel to them, and besides... Operation Shooting Star was just a HUGE FAILURE.
About Keiji offering to finish the game, From companies perspective , thats the correct step that Capcom must take. Sad i know but if Capcom allowed Inafune to do the franchise, in the future when Inafune wanted to do new games on Megaman and Capcom does not allow them, fans reaction will be worst than this. T_T.
Well the truth is MMZ is continued from MMX6. MMX7 and MMX 8 does not even exist in the canon story of MM series.(Hell even MMX6 is not planned by Inafune at all as he planned to end X series on 5 and makes MMZ series with X being the last boss lol.) So for them not continuing the X series is not suprising for me. However there have been rumour on how Capcom wanted to reboot the series through the MMX Maverick Hunter that is release on PSP before. Lets us wait and see whether it is real or not.(Uups about MMZ anime, that is just fake news that the MM fans has been generating as they see the anime promotion video for each MMZ series. Sorry for breaking ur hope here T_T)
For MMZX i agree with u as the story is not as good as MMZ and they are now moving into Biometal and human. However there are still some loveable char for me. Prometheus and Pandora is cool lol. And also with the way the secret ending end coughThomascough seems to plan to rule the world. So i really hope that they will at least end the series once and for all.
Lastly i do hope that i will be able to see Capcom producing Megaman game that connects MMX series to MMZ series (On Elf War) as that can easily heal many of MM fans heart but seeing how Capcom act's now.... i can't hope a lot here. And also MM network series is not bad at all lol. I finished all of them and i can said i am happy that the ending ends like how Inafune wanted them to end. While for the Star series, the quality does decress compared to the previous series however it is still enjoyable game.