Troalo wrote...
psbox362 wrote...
Killed some kid on Reach multi with a shotgun before his sword lunge could reach me. Repeatedly. After the match, said kid sends me a voice message accusing me of being a hacker and claiming that he's reporting me as such and is going to get his friends to do the same.
I hate people who accuse you of that.
Learn that shotguns are
way more badass than a glowing sword, kiddies.
Evidently, Those kids are garbage dude nuff said so no worries! ^_^
and to the topic...Everyone in an online community(360/PS3/PC) will have the following:
80% of community:
- 40% are tough guy douchebags who:
- crave attention from anybody(Especially little kids and new people who join the online community)
- They will trash talk you if you lose
- they will do anything possible to get back at you if you win(even when they use cheap glitches to win, but fail terribly :P)
- 40% are the little kids who took the wrong path
- adapted the online tough guy's way at an early stage
- take the tough guy's way of talk, play-style, and tactics
- will trash talk in the most annoying way possible...if it wins
- Will do everything in its power, to get you either banned or to piss you off...
20% of community:
-Anyone else who don't got the intellectual status mentioned up above. ^^^
-Most people here have skill, and aren't whiners when they lose a match.
-Most people met in this group are chill to play/hang out with in a chat-room! ;D
That pretty much sums it up!