Imagine the last time you played a video game. Try to remember what the last non bullet-firing weapon or tool you used was. How difficult or painful would it be to kill yourself with this item.Would it fuck up the shit around you? I'd have to use the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 repair tool, Battlefield 3 is a disappointment.
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Off-Topic stuff about me and this forum:
This seemed like a good topic to get back on the forums. I haven't been forum active since 2009. I didn't wanna charge into random just yet.
The last console game I played was Battlefield 3.. The last tool/weapon I used was a naked M16, on spawn.. and BOOM my PS3 has a flashing red light and it dies. She was only 5 years old :( and dying by standing on land patiently waiting and then having the world end would be pretty sad.
I've been replaying Half-life 2 on the The Orange Box lately. If I can get creative enough, I don't think it'll be hard to come up with a painless way to kill myself with the gravity gun. I know there's plenty of messy ways, though.
Played MGS: PeaceWalker yesterday so (IDK if it can kill but hey), stabbing myself with 1.5 Million Volts (seriously that's a lot o_o) with a trusty StunRod... (Wonder how that would feel... Hmmmm... -_-)
Just played Bloodforge yesterday. Yeah I could see dropping Crom's hammer on my dome an effective way of quickly ending things. And to be courteous, I'd make sure to leave a plastic tarp out on the floor for whomever has to clean up the mess. ;)
Killing myself with a quarterstaff may be a bit difficult. I'd probably knock myself unconscious before I managed to do any real/lasting damage to my brain/skull. That last game I played being Torchlight.