I know i this post probably shouldn't be posted but I wanted to give it a try.
Hi, im 9017Sasuke and im a youtuber and started getting back into Twitch.
Im looking for people who love gaming and would gladly help me share my
channels around. I play on XboxOne, Playstation (not at the moment), and Steam.
Xbox GT: SasukeW0lf
-Destiny, Black Ops 3, Halo 5, ARK, Minecraft and more (i would probably buy games to play with others.
PLaystation GT: Sasuke9017
-At the moment, i wont be having my playstation cuz i will be moving soon, so its beein packed away.
Steam ID: Sasukewolf9017
Anyways, i know its alot to read but to keep it short, I love playing games and love making friends. I want to get my channels
started and entertain everyone and keep smiling faces up. But i cant go showin hentai or anythin but i could show some violance
in game and chat with everyone. ^-^
So if you want, add me and hit me up with a DM and we could make it happen. Share me around and strap it on.
Link below are my youtube and twitch channel, check it out and subscribe ^-^
I hope to make you happy.