Convenit wrote...
zetsubo666 wrote...
Already knew Tsukihime remake was in the works. But at least it's good that we get some extra confirmation and that the Mahou Tsukai sequels will be made... the only question is how long will it take to make. Knowing Type-Moon, it's probably gonna take 10 years for everything...
Here is the original interview for those who are interested and can read Japanese (or stand Google Translate Engrish).
Thanks for the link.I heard they were planning a Tsukihime remake,but I didn't know when they were starting on it.This made my day a lot better since Tsukihime is my favorite Light Novel(and first).
I actually think that tsukihime being top-notch VN despite its low budget and how it still can compete with the newer ones was partly due to the fact that there's no expansion whether it be a true sequel or remake(kagetsu tooya excluded) so that the title stands on its own. I mean every routes justify their endings and left nothing unexplained,and by expanding such title could pretty much ruins all its greatness which would be unforgivable.
Regarding the remake;I hope its all a rumour and that I will never release.
There's nothing wrong with the CG, if anything I prefer these over the f/sn ones.
thats because during when type-moon are making tsukihime, takeuchi takashi(artist) needed all the skills he has to draw a single scene as the team is only a doujinshi-circle and the tools are very limited and that's something to be appreciated. also somehow I find tsukihime CGs very immersive and can't help but attracted to it.
I guess I'm a purist that way.
[size=3]I'll probably get flamed so hard I shat marble phantasm[/h]