LOL, I doubt that they will make PS3 version, since they're not Namco... *CoughTalesseriesCough*
Now I'm at August, and the Class is preparing for a festival. and the fun part is, Class G will make Play about Welkin's Squad when they took over Vasel Bridge.
So, many levels to grind, so I'm not bored. since there's always something new. For each chapter you get 5-6 missions, + Missions sold from the shop, and Personal event Missions. Grinding is not Boring, well, the boring part is collecting the merits so you can "Class UP" to a better job.
So, I Finally finished the game, after a long hiatus...
short review (based solely on VC 2, without overshadowed by VC 1)
Is mainly Lighthearted due to the fact that your a teen in a school with teen life + war, but it will get serious when it comes to the main story, since it involves more Racism, and other stuff that I won't spoil. 8.5/10
It still retains the same kind of music that is in VC 1. Does not have Full Voice
Acting, but that doesn't mean it's bad. 8/10
first it's a PSP so it's PSP quality. for the 2d graphics it's still great, but the 3D graphics was so-so. 8/10
BAsically the same with VC 1, but new aspects and upgrades really made it better.
Character DEvelopment
Much better than VC 1, since each character has a individual story telling. in the end you'll feel attached to all the characters.
FYI, the english version is going to be released this 31 AUGUST 2010
ANti-TAnk Sniper rocks, so Does Swordmans