So, anyone here watch streamers? If you don't know what a streamer is, it's a person that plays a game and streams a video of it to you
live. I find enjoyment in watching Speedruns but also in watching streams like League of Legends or Dota 2.
The ones I watch a lot is Stivitybobo and Siglemic, that's in speedrunning and then I watch a lot of Dyrus on League and then just general Dota 2 tournaments and BeyondTheSummit or whatever they are called.
What streamers do you watch on a pretty "regular" basis or what kind of streams? (By what kind of streams I mean a certain game like for example SM64, League, Dota 2, or some other game)
disclaimer: Some people don't seem to understand that YouTube doesn't count as a livestream because it isn't live, it's a recording, keep that in mind when you write whomever you watch that a YouTube channel does not count.