Space Marine 2. Oh how I pray for it, but THQ's financial situation will probably see it killed. Despite the original's cliffhanger ending. MASSIVE SIGH.
Oh! And any sort of sequel to
Darkest of Days, which would be sweet since the concept is so amazingly good.
Sneakyone wrote...
Jak and Daxter 4
True story: they're gonna reboot Jak and Daxter. Gritty remake style. Probably omitting Daxter.
So this inclusion is apt, and depressing...
IneededAusername? wrote...
Any Valve game that has a 3 in it. Examples include Left 4 Dead 3, Half Life 3, Half-Life 2 Episode 3, Counter Strike 3, Dota 3, and Team Fortress 3. Valve's computers seem to hate the prime number 3 I guess.
This is also true: Valve's internal testing for Steam servers (which is completely public), show that they're currently in the process of testing a game with the executable handle "Sequel3.exe".
Fucking master trolls.