HokutoCorpse wrote...
catfish wrote...
HokutoCorpse wrote...
I wish.....well maybe I could on this laptop.
If your laptop has those same exact specs (or better), then you'll definitely be able to play. It wont be at max, but you can definitely play it. Just turn all AA off and shader/texture detail down a bit and you should be fine. Try and keep Antistropic filtering in the linear areas.
I say only if its the same because I dont know if you got your laptop straight from Bestbuy or got it online and got customized parts.
Ok that sounded like another language lol. When you started saying AA I got confused. Yea its the EXACT same laptop. Same color. Same parts. Same everything. I got it from Best Buy, not online but in the store. How do I start trying to play with you guys? You use Steam right? Ive never used steam before so yea.
He's saying lower your settings to the lowest
as for steam, its easy, just buy the game either through the online store or local retail store and then install, basically thats it