Game Synopsis
Yuuma attends Hanafusa Gakuen in the town of Minamihata situated on the peninsula. As the autumn air is starting to get chillier, he continuously sees strange things appearing before him. Trying to escape them, he heads to the school roof and thought things would be fine here. That’s when he looks up and sees his childhood friend Chikae in the night sky… flying on a vacuum cleaner. –Taken from vndb.
Note: Finally back home, so I can continue uploading again. I believe this is Whale’s first game, but it looks like a good one; hopefully we’ll see them again. This is the regular version; there is a dummy cut available, but it looks like it only takes out around .2GBs. Comes with game, audio CD, and crack.
Nah, it's not that good. Of course it was much more in depth than a lot other stories, but the true end fails so horribly to be epic (Or even sad) that I was left wondering what did I do to deserve 2 weeks of 3am. Perhaps if I had read this before Majikoi I would be moved, but after Majikoi? This just doesn't work.