Kaimax wrote...
Ayanami00 wrote...
Or I want THE WORLD from .Hack to become a reality...I've heard rumors it will be but I don't know. I kind of have little faith in how it will turn out anyways.
Its already been made, with the first series of the .Hack game.
now it's already closed though.
if you want the REAL The World... let's wait for them to invent the goggles and a way to make you in a coma via gaming... lol
Heard it wasn't too popular. I looked at what cyber2connect did, and honestly I agree with kai haha.
If it were me, it would be the original The World mixed with G.U.'s version since the landscapes look much better and the classes were expanded.
Oh... And Lo-Sa aka Lost Saga. Not the Lost Saga game. The fictional korean mmo mind you haha!