Tsurayu wrote...
What kind of deals are you getting where having to update your gaming rig every couple of years is cheaper than buying a console?
The kind of deal where I buy that hilariously overpowered mid-range graphics card available whenever the old one dies and is out of warranty (never had anything other than vidcards and one IBM deathstar die on me. ever.). That clocks in at about two-hundred dollars every three to four years.
If I need a new CPU+mobo+ram, (twice in the last decade), add three-hundred dollars to that.
Which is cheaper than buying a new console every couple of years. The PS3 is 650 dollars here. Add to that the pricing policy of console games, and the formula works in favour of the pee cee. and that's not even counting the cost of TV sets (don't have a TV, would never buy one for anything other than console gaming; am aware that you can buy SVGA adaptors, but that kinda ruins one of the purposes of a console and the natural AA) on top of it all.
to each their own though, I'm not trying to evangelize here.