This topic is obvious spoiled bound but will still have spoil wraps anyhow
and are just my opinions that are expressed here
why I think video game ending most of the time are poorly written
Recent this subject came to mind over the whole freakout about on
Id Software's Rage ending
Small hallways straight forward new enemy type that only appears at that segment of the game over in 10 or so minutes with no boss battle
But when I think about it I think a lot of video game ending suck though...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
They pulled a zombie on us i.e. people lost there minds
no foot solders to contend with non of that stealth aspect that made up the game itself were present that I would have welcomed for such a great level that it was
Farcry 2
Was a train wreck of an ending placing you in a liner boring bland area that felt just poorly setup from start to finish
I think a lot of the times developers run out of time and get lazy hence a lot video games get poor endings
I could go on like Fallout 3 that pretty much needed a DLC to "fix the ending"
Hopefully Rage will get some DLC to make up for it's ending