pihip wrote...
Well, no US TD is really armored until you get to Tier 8, after which they just get more and more ridiculous (just look at the T95).
The Jackson is basically a bigger Wolverine with a better gun and more reliable armor. Angling helps bounce shots from the front, but sometimes it's just dumb luck. Compared to the Hellcat, it is slower but has better acceleration, turns a bit faster and carries more ammo.
I have both.
In encouter, Jackson is better because it "dings" more shells.
If Regular Combat, Hellcat has the lead because it reaches to the chokepoints fast, halting the enemy advance and allowing friendly heavy tanks to arrive.
IF your teammates brain isn't made of Lemmings porridge....
I dont play Assault since they're full of shit so i have no clue who is best there.
Hellcat would be attacked and Jackson the defender.
But Hellcat will die there pretty quick I guess...