If you want to avoid grindy games then you may or may not be instantly disgusted with WoT. There's a learning curve in terms of game mechanics if you're willing to learn it but it really comes down to how willing are you to be self critical and improve your game.
Also, you should totally check out starbound and hammerfall, 2 cheap and awesome games that have been tiding me over the past few weeks without having my desktop to play wot.
On a side note, finished my comet grind today and holy hell my opinion of this tank has changed considerably since I first started playing it.
The standard ap rounds are absolutely fine for tier 7 and even 8 matches since this tank is all about positioning, and it does it well. Comet's 10 gun dep and seemingly reliable (and low profile) turret let you put that great dpm to work tearing through the sides of victims 300-400 meters away easily. I think that comet is very dependent on positioning however, which is probably why most people dislike it compared to the speedy cromwell, and yes this tank turns into a flying pile of shit the moment it doesn't get to fight on its own terms, but it's mobile enough to get out of trouble and outplay others 1v1 if need be. Here's hoping the cent 1 keeps this up but I never even see them around in pubs =/