Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
So i made a trial acount. i've not been on since before cata.
i must say i'm not too impressed. the whole game seems to have been seriously dumbed down.
i just ran thru wc, and they cut like half the dungeon out. we did two or three bosses, and that was all it took to call out the end dude. it used to take two hours to do that place, now it's a cake walk. same with VC(or should i say deadmines since Van Cleef isn't there anymore). wtf is with the monkey miners? i could probably solo that shit at 30.
the hunter change from mana to focus is pretty fucking annoying too. it eats focus much faster than it did mana.
over all, it feels like they were trying too hard to compete with other RPGMMOs and lost sight of the fact thet WoW was a kingpin. much of it feels like it was ripped off from other games. i think some of the execs. saw other games and got scared, even though WoW had such a huge following. speaking as someone who played since right after BC to just before cata, IMHO, they shot themselves in the foot.
I agree with on dumb down only problem i have is the hunter note you made, focus is a AMAZING upgrade from manna , hunters arent just about spamming arcane shot or volley anymore instead we have a more complicated rotation which = higher damage output . Used to play quit right before 4.1 came out , rolled a troll hunter Marks/Bm pwned the hell out of shit lol was my guilds second/third top dps for raids depending on who went that night [The other two was a Destro lock i think? and a Frost dk i believe]. I quit WoW because it just got so repetitive you dont see it till you hit cap and then spend some days of your life wasted just to get ONE piece of gear -.- , much more looking forward to Guild Wars 2 which most likely will be out late 2011 or mid 2012 [hopefully]