So guys, I just picked up this pimpin' new system, check out the pic above. It came with several games, two controllers, and all the cords. It's so fucking awesome, what with the high end graphics, game play, and sound this baby comes with. Does anybody want to come over and play with me?
<kawaiiloli> I would so come over and play
<Space> :D
<Space> I would have candy for you~
<Space> Actually
<Space> No.
<Space> Vegetables
<Space> Candy comes after.
<Flare_knight1> DUDE
<Flare_knight1> PARTY AT SPACE'S HOUSE
<Space> and girls, I guess.
<Flare_knight1> That is PIMPIN
<Flare_knight1> your gonna get ALL the ladies with that
<Flare_knight1> I mean
<Flare_knight1> my PS3, 360, and Gaming Super Computer are nothing compared to that thing
<Space> Pffft, PS3 is so last year.
<Space> As is gaming on the computer, and the 360, which isn't far from being a computer.
<Flare_knight1> I know man
<Flare_knight1> that's why I'm mad
<Flare_knight1> your pimp system be gettin all the ladies
<Flare_knight1> I mean, you might as well dress up as Hope, you are pimpin so hard