I'm being dead serious when I say this; Every-single cutscene from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
Not only are the really high def CG scenes exceptionally well done, they're LONG AS HELL. I remember two cutscenes which are exceptionally long, the boat scene where Liquid Ocelot, Big Mama, and Snake convene, and the finale which is well over 45 minutes long.
toward the end of live a live, if you choose the psychic as the final main character and start running away from battles, you see the souls of all of the people that has betrayed the main villain in some way. What makes this hit home is because it's an interactive cutscene but you get to read there minds and they regret what they have done, when you read the mind of the woman that broke his heart she begs you to put an end to him and hands you that characters final weapon. Get my blood boilin everytime