I've been out of touch on what's coming out next year except for the few things people kept hyping around me or something I've been waiting for a while or heard about and liked. . But, so far I would say I am waiting for
Tales of Grace f
Persona 4 The Ultimate Mayonaka Arena.
Street Fighter x Tekken (To try and have another fighters to face bros and buddies in.)
Mass Effect 3 (Had no idea about a 3. Literally was out of the loop of stuff for a year due to the campus I use to live on. )
Hmm..I think there was more but I can't seem to recall them right now.
Aliens: Colonial Marines. I've been waiting for that game ever since I read about it on GameInformer back in 2007. Also, I'm looking forward to both Far Cry 3 and Prey 2. I've been a fan of both franchises for a while now and their gameplay vids looked rather promising.
Armored Core V
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Transformers Fall of Cybertron
Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm
Bioshock Infinite
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
...anything awesome that will be announced in the near future. :D
I'm just eager for the upcoming HD collections that I used to play alot on the PS2, while looking for some anticipated new titles and sequels. Here's my list of the games I hope to get this year:
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Zone of the Enders HD Collection
Jak and Daxter HD Collection
Street Fighter x Tekken
DarkSiders 2
Asura's Wrath
Mine :
Street Fighter X Tekken
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Soul Calibur 5
Asura's Wrath
Lollipop Chainsaw
Armored Core 5
Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City