Game Synopsis
Akagiyama High School is closed due to decreasing number of students. Students move to Maruyama High School and each student from Akagiyama High School joins a new club at Maruyama High School. However, brass band clubs remain separated because a coach teacher refuses to accept students from Akagiyama High School. The school decides to have a contest and the brass band club that wins the contest becomes an official brass band club....–Taken from Erogeshop
Note: Bra-Ban! -- or Brass Band! -- is another Yuzusoft game. It involves a minigame where you listen to a few bars of their song and try to determine what’s wrong with it. If this doesn’t excite you, simply use the pattern provided in the walkthrough to find the right answer. As I played in concert band in HS, this tickled me in a way I haven’t been in a while. Hope you enjoy!