I saw this competition and thought I might as well make a mystery short story instead to get a little variation. With the exception of Waar, all the names are of users which have entered the competition (except for Sinner_Gluttony, whom I used the character name in their story), permission has been asked in all cases (though is still pending in some...) and their names bear no plot importance, being merely cameo roles. This is my first time writing for anything like this, so bear with me, as it might not be very good. There is a spoiler which contains the answer arc (paragraph), so feel free to guess who the culprit is. I’ve gotten the word count almost at 1000, so I’m sure cutting it close, but feel that cutting it down lost the story some of its flow. Well enjoy and Merry Christmas!
...and here is an unrelated picture of Misaka with a Gekota frog plushie because its so damn cute!

“I hate Christmas!” The exclamation rang throughout the train station, causing turned heads and expressions of pity to be directed towards Mouser. His last endeavours had produced miserable failures and his mood was far from the Christmas spirit which each and every passerby seemed to radiate. “A damnable waste of time, I might add too”, he proclaimed to the open air, ignoring the mutters generated from his ramblings. “And why is Christmas such a waste of time, Detective Mouser, if I may be so bold as to ask?” Mouser turned his head and, looking straight in the eye of his old friend Dr Ukato, replied “because my services can be of better use elsewhere.” Dr Ukato laughed at the lack of hesitation in his voice and responded “Oh yes! That cat and mouse chase you have with that crafty fellow, umm, whatshisname…” “Cat-thief Waar”, interrupted Mouser, his voice a little more agitated than normal. “That’s what the damn liberal media are calling him anyway, but he’s only a glorified thief! But you didn’t call the greatest detective of Fakkutopia here just to chat, did you? I trust it’s important…” “Oh, it’s important all right, and believe me, you won’t be disappointed.” Dr Ukato looked around, “We’ll talk in the car on the way there”.
“MOMOKA!?! You mean Momoka, the mascot of Fakku regime?” The surprise was clear in Mousers voice. He hadn’t expected to be called in for just anybody, but for the most attractive lady in the land? This case meant opportunity, chances to get support, royal support no less, in his hunt for Waar. But failure would mean the loss of everything that he had spent the last few years building up. “You ok, Mouser?” Dr Ukato asked, worried at the fact that Mouser of all people was showing doubts. “You don’t have to take this you know” Mouser laughed, his ego could not resist a challenge no matter what the stakes, “Not a chance! Tell me more, old friend!”
“Well it all began last night on Christmas Eve. Momoka was staying over at an old friend’s house, Cain, you know, the fervent Railgun fan-boy. Along with little old me, Zaron, the beer brewer and Charken, a notable poet, were also guests at his abode. We had all gotten presents for each other and piled them under the Christmas tree. We had an amazing dinner, with an extremely delectable turkey, made by the maid Rise-chan. Anyhow after our desert, we gathered round the fireplace for a nice chat. But, despite Momoko’s attempts at diplomacy and with the help, I expect, of the mulled wine, Zaron got into an argument with Charken. Now this made the rest of us quite upset. The host Cain was on Zaron’s side and Rise-chan, who seemed to be quite taken by the young Charken, was almost in tears. We decided to wrap things up and Momoka and I returned to our rooms, which, as it happens, were located next to each other.”
“Later, I hear a door opening; it was Momoka, who was going to get her purse, which she had left by the Christmas tree. However a couple minutes later, I heard a large thump and rushed to see what the caused it. And what should I find, but Momoka writhing on the floor, gasping for air! I rushed to her and found she was having an anaphylactic reaction, which is a severe allergic reaction, making breathing difficult. Lucky I was there or she might not have made it. After I had administered my treatment, I looked around for evidence. The only thing out of place was that one of the presents, my present for the Mikoto Misaka-obsessed host actually, was ripped up. All that I can think of is that Momoka must have surprised someone ruining the Christmas presents. The allergen had to be administrated by somebody, as she had been by the presents without becoming allergic earlier. Ah, here we are at the house. Mouser, now this is top-secret! Momoka is a super-celebrity and the †˜damn liberal media’, as you call them, must not get a hold of this: we have royal orders here!”
Mouser and Dr Ukato got out of the car and went through the house, to the room with the Christmas tree. “Wow, what a magnificent tree, wide branches, decorations and a huge bundle of presents to boot! Alright, I need to ask a few questions. First, could anybody else have gotten inside?” Mouser asked. “No”, replied Dr Ukato. “Well, there was a small hole in one of the walls, but only a baby could have gotten in. It has to be an inside job – someone, angry at what happened after dinner, must have wanted to ruin Christmas for the rest of us! And don’t worry; I made sure that the room was observed at all times, so no tampering occurred.” Thankful for his friend’s foresight, Mouser said “Well if you answer my next question, I think I can tell you who the culprit is. And that question is … Was your present a Gekota frog mask?” Dr Ukato could barely hide his shock. “How the devil did you know?” he asked. Mouser merely laughed and proclaimed with a broad smile on his face, “Well elementary, my dear Ukato, the culprit is …”