In my opinion, the style is something you decide on based on: 1. The goal of your work, and 2. Your own preferences
With my (current) style of writing, I focus on symbolism and revelations and stuffs like that which are much easier to do with first person present since then, I can easier control what information the reader gets to pick up, through the usage of the narrator's character. Also, it adds a bit of flavor as the narrator himself is a character in the story, so you can play around a bit with the way the setting and happenings are described.
Personally, I like the first person present most since it's the version of your story wherein I can immerse myself in the character. If it's in first person present chuuni, it's quite unique. If you use this version, you can easier show to the readers what ACTUALLY goes on inside the head of someone with chuuni. If you use third person past, you can show more of the setting and kind of like a bird's eye view of the events occurring in your story since you technically give the readers the ability to see more and you can also play around with the "detachment" since the readers aren't completely bound to the character of the narrator.
If it helps, you may consult
this article that lists some advantages and disadvantages of each POV.
Ultimately, however, your writing style depends on you. What do YOU think would be fitting for your work?