Figures of shadow, creatures spawned by madness
Hidden silhouetes, perhaps feelings born from darkness
I’ve been watching you, hidden in plain sight. However, you do not see me, for the walls of your ambition cloud your vision and the seeds of truth envelop you in the web of lies that gave birth to the decadent and vile joke that mankind is today. I take pity on this world...
I find closure in the fact that, once again, I am proven that love and respect have no place in this world. All people yearn for these virtues, yet they are not given any value when one is faced with the opportunity to advance in the grace of someone who does not give a damn about them. Everyone desires truth, but should one have it revealed to them, they would smite it to the ground and deem the words of freedom as shackles of falsehood. No, that desire has long since waned from the heart of man, replaced by gluttony and false pride.
Only children are truthfull, pure and hardworking. The cherry tree you used to visit; you remember it. It used to blossom when you were happy, and it blossomed even more when you were sad. The first time you were hungry, it sprouted a cherry for you to eat. It was high up on the tallest branch, on the very ceiling of the bright red crown, far beyond the roots that were nesting in the ground. You started to climb the tree, slowly, but steadily pulling your small frame up the massive trunk. You fell many times, but still, you didn’t give up untill you reached the top and ate the fruit of your efforts. Back then, you’d always reach up for the cherries, and bend down to grab that rock that had such a funny shape.
Now that you have grown, you go about your days, walking through the world, rushing as a pebble through the river of this ignorant life, no longer looking upwards to reach for the cherries, nor bending down to pick the rocks off people’s hearts...
“Will you ever find me, grown up as I am ?”