Xenon wrote...
Oh, I don't know if 'argument' was the right word, but the first few sentences that 100% of people who have died have drank water is a typical satirical line given to someone to make a point that correlation doesn't always equal causation. It's facetious, like your essay.
I did enjoy it this way, though.
It is a classic line alright. Though I won't say it's plagiarism.
Glad you like it.
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
When I first started reading this, I jumped in without looking at the author's notes, so I didn't see the part about satire and was like, "What the hell did you write?" But yeah, as Xenon said, from the very beginning, you're not going to mistake this . . . guide for anything other than what it is. Having said that, satire's not really my thing, but in the experience I have with it, people use it to make a point. I'm not sure what the point is here unless it's to illustrate how stupid how-to guides can be.
It's not a super serious piece of writing. In a typical satire, they try to make a point by pointing out the flaws in the events mentioned in that writing, usually about the 'normal' daily activities. Satires can have deep meanings and be as thought-provoking as any other forms of literature.
Don Quixote is an exemplary classic in the satire genre, you should consider reading it. This is mostly for the lolz, lol. If you want to find a point for this, I would say it's quite the opposite of what you think. You know the running Internet joke "Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in '...' "? People sometimes blame guides and manuals even when they are very clear and straight-forward, so I see this as somewhat of a counter-measure to that.
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
Also, for me, the steps dragged on. I can't help but wonder if you need have to 18. They could all serve a purpose, but my first impression is maybe they could be trimmed down a bit.
For the glory of Leonard of course. Joke aside, it could have been better.
Some typos and things:
Did you know what those numbers is for those who don’t drink water and die?
"Did" should be "do" and "those" should be "the".
Choices of words, really.
Making the right choice is utmost crucial.
Crucial is an adjective, so you can't describe it.
Should have been "of utmost cruciality", but that just sounds weird.
They come in all shape and size.
Should be "shapes and sizes."
go back to the kitchen and take the kettle out and turn off the oven.
Do you mean off, as in off the stove?
Take the kettle out of the oven? Is it wrong? I'm not sure.
You are also advised to do drink water with tandem with other activities
Some people are afraid of self-uncontrollability, that they can’t fully comply with this guide and only drink water. It’s totally OK to drink other things once in a while, all with a limitation. If anyone tells you otherwise, don’t listen. Pay no attention to those hypocrites, readers – to deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Others fear they can still choke. Sometimes, there is a disturbance in the water force, that makes it goes down the wrong pipe, into the trachea and then into your lungs instead of going into the esophagus which is connected to your stomach, even though there is a little flap of cartilage called the epiglottis sitting near your trachea, supposedly acting as a door, preventing exactly that to happen. Don’t worry, you rarely die from that. Some others even express doubt of my guide, saying “I’ll give it a try”. Do… or do not. There is no try. I wonder why anyone is skeptical of my experience of more than twenty years of dedicatedly drinking water anyway. After all, I’m just your average guy from the Internet, why would I lie to you, right? You just got to believe.
This could be three paragraphs. I'm assuming you have them all lumped together because they're three objections that people might have about the guide. Alternatively, you could have a separate paragraph for each objection, which is probably what I'd do. It would be more choppy as opposed to one fluid paragraph, but I think it works just fine here.
For the lolz, really. I dropped a bunch of old sci-fi movies quotes there, so I thought I would make it one paragraph.