Don't care if the term properly fits or not, it just sounds cool. In the vein of Rise and Twilight I'm going to allocate (or in this case link) all of my works to a single thread. It spans a few phases and covers a few genres, so maybe Anthology would work...either way it's still a cool word.
Work(s) in Progress:
I have a time-share through the looking glass...
Dead father. Everyone's missing someone. Better to start with what couldn't have been helped, though.
One of my arms is longer than the other; no one seems to notice but me.
C average. Or was it a D? Does it matter? It must.
Alcohol helps right up until too much of that swill finds its way in. That's when the vomiting--and pity--get their start. The re-assurances only come when I'm face-to-face with the bottom of a garbage can.
"At least you didn't get it anywhere."
Fat. Maybe even morbidly obese if the math was done. A confidant will insist otherwise, because they think that's the right answer. There is no "right" answer.
Work? Games. Friends? Drugs; the people just attach themselves to get something for free. Love? Fear and Loathing.
Opening my eyes everyday and knowing that the next time I look into the mirror I'll be disappointed. It's sad, really, that I let this happen.
When the fuck did life get the better of me?