Chronus14 wrote...
Ive been sitting the whole time in the room...
The other members kept on having conversations from 3 hours? 4 hours? i didn't even know.
I noticed one of the members, playing with knife. The memories of me and my father learning to throw knife
ventured in my mind.
It was fall, a time for reconciliation for our family, and our community as well.
Autumn leaves starts to fall as people in the streets evacuate for a long weekend getaway.
My father and I lurked into the park. Because the people are off, only a couple of children are playing by the slide.
We used to train in some old lot which is a lil hidden to everyone, except from our kinky eyes of course.
The training was fun. We had different levels of each category concerning with knife throwing, juggling, catching, assembling and any other stuff. There is this one time when I would throw a 12 inch sharp knife at my father's direction. The instructions are for him, to dodge the knife. I find the best position, took control of my breathing, aim at my very best, and threw the knife.
It was so swift that my eyes can barely see. My father attempted to hoist himself at a right direction, but the thing is so fast that the edge of it partially sliced my father's left arm.
He said I would be better compared to him when I grow up.
Luckily, I am capable of nursing and I gave him first aid. I made a tourniquet and try to stop the bleeding. We went to the hospital, and when the nurses asked what happened, we always say "A dog bit him".
Its so funny we fooled the nurses on their very own specialty...
My introspecting stopped when one of the man threw something like a medicine container, which contains capsules, instant first aids, and such stuff, he said.
I doubt what's inside it. I grab one, which is from a pile for the members, and concealed it onto my bag.
"I gotta check these later" I whispered.
Then, Winchester started to talk about the mission. He said we are to destroy the police airbase, which is not mainly my thing.
My father used to tell stories of him about wars. When nurses stand aside and takes the injured onto their custody. Probably, that was my thing to, as a Field Medic.
The snipers, gunner, bomber and professional volunteers will lead the mission. I heard of another girl. I think her name is Mira, one of the officers.
I wonder what's her capabilities, her personality, her life.
In the middle of my thinking, the other's started to gear up and fix the equipment.
Good looking snipers, like one of those of my father's, Grenades, Beretta, and pretty much of all different types of guns.
I should probably fix my medicine kit as well...
((OOC: Sorry for the long post. I need to catch up))
The "super-soldier" is a single auto-injector, not multiple things. It's a milky reddish color inside the viewing window and the injector itself is black. It has 2 "warnings" on it saying "caution: may be lethal" and "contents under pressure". Engraved into each is a signature reading "SA"