Woahhh, is this the beginning of a series? I'm finding the innocence that's oozing from your story pretty refreshing. I was expecting a one-shot, but the classic transfer-student-is-actually-the-recent-love-interest does a nice job at setting up another chapter. I'm interested in what direction you plan to take this (if you do plan to).
You may want to consider formatting your dialogue differently so that your piece is easier to read.
As I was flipping the buns before it got burned, a faint voice was heard.
"Umm... can I get some of those?"
Splitting up the dialogue, even though it's the same person can be awkward to read since it is convention to simply combine them.
As I was flipping the buns before it got burned, a faint voice was heard, "Umm... can I get some of those? Please?"
By combining your split up dialogue, the reader won't make the mistake of assuming that there are different people speaking. Formatting as shown helps save space.
Also, make sure to reread your work for spelling/grammar errors!
In particular this line:
It was a perfect place to make business, experience and memories.
Should have most likely(?) been:
It was a perfect place to make business, and experience memories.