Hi everybody. First time posting here and just wanted to tell a bit about a story I've been writing for about over 3 years and get your opinion, does it sound good and so on. Here's a brief summary(I try to make it as brief as possible) :) It doesn't really have a name yet, just calling it the Story.
In the beginning of universe a being only known as the Perfect Being created the universe. All the stars, planets, moons and galaxies.
After this the Perfect Being created 100 Celestial Gods to keep the universe together. The Perfect Being gave these 100 Gods all of his wisdom he had at that time, and also all of his powers.
Then, on this one specific planet the Perfect Being created humans, 100 000 of them. This planet was only known as the First planet. Perfect Being didn't give humans eternal wisdom or unimaginable power, but he gave them skill to learn. Gods had what Perfect Being gave them, nothing more nothing less, but humans could learn from them, Gods could teach humans.
With the rest of the powers the Perfect Being had, he created the Creator that held rest of his powers. Perfect Being then vanished.
In the first few years of the First planet, Gods, humans and the Creator chose 3 humans to represent one of them. One was chosen by Gods, one by humans and one by the Creator and to those three they gave their own powers so that when planet went in a direction that no one liked, they would unite and create the Perfect Being once again to destroy the planet and create a new one, an Utopia to all living beings. Those three chosen ones were called the three Lights.
Something still went wrong, and those three Lights didn't wake up as planned. First Light, the one chosen by humans, woke up at the First planet, and that Light ended up destroying the whole planet and creating a new one.
The second planet came to be, and it was known as Grand Blue, a planet filled with nothing but water and people living in boats around the world. Something unexpected happened, and second Light was born here, and he ended up destroying that planet.
The third planet was then created, and at first it was just called the Third planet, and this is where the last Light, one chosen by Gods, woke up.
So that's it, the setting for the whole story. Majority of the story happens on the Third planet, because that's where all three Lights are gathered.
Whole story is cut in about 5-7 parts and together they cover all the planets, a lot more happens on first and second planets than just "One of the Lights wakes up, then destroys planet and creates new one" so they're also important. I haven't really decided how many stories I'm going to write so that it covers everything I want, at least those three planets, all the characters and what happens after and before everything. At least three of those stories cover stories of three Lights, then one tells about a mysterious man that was with second Light at the Grand Blue, and one tells story of the main "villain", and then couple others covering other important parts of the story, like a great war between humans and Gods in the year 0099 at the Third planet and what really happened at the start of the universe and what happened before that, because the Perfect Being isn't the oldest being there so what led to the creation of universe.
This whole story doesn't actually happen in any different dimension or something like that, because this actually happens before the creation of Earth. After the Third planet, if it gets destroyed, Earth will be created in its place. Earth is different from the other planets, because they let evolution mold the planet how it wants and humans get to evolve and discover things in their own time and not like previous planets where humans just woke up at the beginning year 0, knowing basic skills and Gods teaching them rest.
This story doesn't really have traditional heroes or villains, that's why quotes on the "villain" earlier :) There are no bad guys just because they are bad guys. It's more like let everyone pick their sides and decide on villain, not just slap eye patch and evil mustache and say he's villain just because. Everything is presented more like as a personal view of right and wrong. Maybe a good example would be, if a robber robbed a store, took bunch of money. And yeah, of course you say it's wrong. But what if the robber doesn't believe that, he doesn't do that because he's evil, he does that because he needs the money and don't have other means to get it, so he robs a store. Still, he would be a bad guy for us, but I bet he thinks what he's doing is right. That's the basic idea of "heroes" and "villains" in my story, everybody does what they see as right, they don't have to care what others think, because nothing and no one can take that feeling, that they're doing the right thing, away from them. They can try to turn each other to their way of thinking, and only if the robber himself thinks what he's doing is wrong, then it truly is wrong, because not even the person doing it thinks its right.
I'm actually wanting to do some kind of game book of this, not a role playing game though, but more like just direct story how you want it, because then reader would have a say if what the character does is right for you, because that's what it's all about, picking your villain and hero from their ideas of right and wrong. Who do you want to side with, the "good" people who protect their nation, or those who would do anything for their family, or those who can't understand the way humans think and not caring anything about them. Humans don't really care if couple hundred cows die, or thousand or something like that, and that's the way with some of the beings in this universe, like Gods. So what if couple hundred or thousand humans die? They are above humans in both wisdom and strength, so they don't, and they can't, put themself to their place, and so can't humans put themself to cows place. (I'm not trying to force some animal rights or humans are bad thing here if that's what you're thinking, just an example :D)
Gods still don't kill them, because they need humans. Gods get their energy from the planet that humans inhabit. All living and lifeless things on the planet are molded from energy, and they also produce it automatically. That energy that they produce goes into the planet, and inside the planet are two kind of like rivers, River of Life and River of Death, where all life basically began and returns, Perfect Being didn't just create them from nothing (where he got the "energy" is a whole different story). Gods then take the energy from these Rivers and move it to Plains of Gods through a huge tower called the Stairs of Eden that reaches from the planet to where Gods live.
So, if you read this far, I would love to know your opinion of this "brief" summary :D There's still hell of a lot stuff in this world including magic, magic stones, alchemy, servants of Gods and lots of other things, so if people seem interested in this, I would love to tell more of the planets, characters etc.