This is just something I've had laying around on my HDD for a few months I work on it when I get the inspiration to do so, and it has no real point.
Chapter 1: A Quest for a burrito and beer
Narrator: In the village of Cityburg There is one man
Man: Huh?
Narrator: Who will Eat the burrito, that was saved for God
God: *Thunder and lightning in background* WHO ATE MY BURRITO!
Jesus: *Pointing* It was him!
Man: *looks at burrito wrapper* OH SHI-
Narrator: Now this man is on a quest to find another burrito
Cthulhu: And don't forget the beer, or I'll rip you nuts off
Narrator: And beer for Cthulhu can this man do it?
Man: I have a name, it's Frances!
Narrator: *Facepalm* Okay, alright already. Now Frances is on a quest to find another burrito and beer for Cthulhu... Happy now?
Frances: *Hops on to moped* Yes.
Jesus: Wait!
Frances: What?
Jesus: If you see Satan tell him I said WAZZZUP!
Frances: *Facepalm* Alright.
*Inside the city at the only Mexican restaurant withing 500 miles*
Mexican: Sorry Senior we closed We open back up whenever
Frances: *Looking at everyone in the restaurant* Then who are all these people?
Mexican: Thats my Familia
Mexican: Si Senior
Frances: *Groveling* I just need a burrito
El Chupacabra: I have a burrito for you but you have to do something for me.
Frances: What?
El Chupacabra: Eat the cookie
Frances: But I don't wanna eat the cookie
El Chupacabra: Eat the Cookie
Frances : But I don't wanna eat the cookie
El Chupacabra: Eat the Damn cookie
Frances: But I don't wanna eat the damn cookie
El Chupacabra: Eat the damn cookie or no burrito
Frances: Fine *Eats the cookie*
Hey I feel kinda funny
El Chupacabra: Thats because that was loco weed. *Tosses Burrito to Frances* A Promise is a Promise hers the burrito
Frances: Looks at burrito
Burrito: Eat me
Frances: But your not for me
Burrito: Eat Me
Frances: I Don't want to at you Mr. Burrito God does.
Kid on the side of the street: Mommy why is that man talking to a burrito
Mother: Don't make eye contact Timmy
Frances: *Hops back onto the moped*
Mini Cthulhu: *pops in* Don't for get my beer asshole
Frances: Don't worry Mini Cthulu I won't *Speeds off and into a bunch of trash cans*
I'm alright
El Chupacabra: *Facepalm*
*At the Liquor store*
Mini Cthulhu: Get the Amstel light
Frances: You have expensive taste but fine
*Walking towards front*
Oh Porno mags
Mini Cthulhu: *Facepalm*
Frances: *Puts everything on the counter*
*looks at Clerks nametag*
Satan: Yes it is I The prince of darkness
Frances: Jesus told me to tell you 'WAZZZUP!'
Satan: Did he now Tell him I said WAZZZUP!
*rings up merchandise*
Your Total is Six hundred Sixty Six Dollars and Sixty Six Cents
Frances: *Hands over Visa Card*
*30 minutes Back at the Mansion*
Frances: GOD HERES YOUR DAMN BURRITO! *Throws burrito at God*
God: It's cold
Francs: Your God you can work a damn Microwave, And Cthulhu hers your damn beer
Cthulhu: It's warm
*Grabs box full of porno Mags*
Now if you will excuse me