xninebreaker wrote...
AssasinZAssasin wrote...
Already sent you a message but Congrats, Leonard! Well, I suppose the day you would win a competition would come anytime (was what I thought) when I first started reading your stuff, so I suppose that day is past now, eh?
The runner up did a great job as well, as was everyone else in the finals! I have to say choosing who to vote for was hard as they were all pretty great in their own way...It was really close this time, too, with only a difference of a single vote.
(Speaking of which, Never even knew a contest was around until it ended...I really should check this forum more)
I will personally notify you the next time we have a contest. I remember you entered a couple contests before so it'd be nice to have you back in the action!
Oh? I'd really appreciate that, thanks! I'm always pretty busy and the time I generally set aside to go on Fakku is to browse releases.
I'm pretty sure I entered more than a couple...5, I believe, in total. It's kind of fun to join, and have your work evaluated by others, so definitely if another rolls around a notification would be much appreciated.