The gameplay is pretty simple but it's a porn game so I'm not exactly looking for dark souls here. The scenes are fantastic and the girl selection is great. I look forward to seeing their future works.
I did get motion sick from some of the backgrounds though.
Once again, when it comes to DB-related hentai art, both animated and otherwise, Yamamoto has no equal. The dialogue in Kame Paradise feels like more humor and effort was put into it than earlier entries and you also get to play as Goku for a bit and ride around on the nimbus, which was a neat little feature.
The gripes with the game is the rock, paper, scissors game almost feels like it's scripted to almost 100 percent counter you. I thought it was deliberately doing so to make you kill more time playing the game but i noticed that the computer never picks the same option as you, and chooses the other two options you didn't pick to go against you.
Another gripe was in the case of Bulma's mother/Panchy and Mai, if you are defeated by them, you have to reset the game if you wish to try again against them and obtain their sex scene because Mai will run away and Panchy will keep repeating "Bulma went to the forest" and will not give you another chance at them unless you reload your save file
Aside from that, the game is well worth the price! It's short but the quality and variety of sex scenes makes up for it I feel.
The game is fairly short and uses a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors minigame for its battles.
It shouldn't take you longer than an hour to complete but it's worth the money just to enjoy the perverted antics of Roshi along with Yamamoto's great art.
I really hope he releases the rest of his games uncensored.