Reclusive virgin nerd Youta’s childhood friend and long-time crush Rio visits him one day with shocking news and an equally shocking proposal: she has a collection of sex friends, and he’s invited to become one of them! Can he get over his initial reaction of disgust and jealousy at seeing this side of Rio and build a whole new kind of relationship with her?
I bought this because I enjoyed the movie version which I watched for free and am happy to support this. It would be nice if this came with a movie version later in the future(would be grateful if it came with this purchase, but won't complain). Maybe uncensored version someday?
Worth it for the fantastic sex animations. Just a joy to watch.
Marred by the protagonist being an absolute piece of shit. A poster-boy for misogynistic inches, looking down on his friend for having sex even while she's fucking him. Honestly, this would be perfect if protag-kun wasn't such a complete piece of shit. He does soooooorta figure out he's in the wrong, but that still means dealing with his shit for most of the runtime.
But yeah, extremely worth it if you can look past the insufferable shitgoblin of a pov character.
A great short story with some hot sequences as well.
I was very impressed with the amination and the dialogue. The visual novel is 99 percent movie with a single choice but it is well worth the price for the quality alone. I enjoyed the overall message of accepting someone as who they are in the present, not who they were and what they did from the past. 10/10, I recommend.
I mean really, the concept is amazing i would love to see similar VN with the same quality. Granted is short but the visuals/quality compensate for the duration. I would love to see future works.
I didn't even need to open the app... I knew it was that good.
I've seen this several times on so I'm very familiar with the plot and the story but I am a gentleman and I believe and giving credit where credit is due. With that I decided to buy a digital copy of SF I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was supported on Macintosh and I will also say that I am impressed with Denpasoft for having the foresight to release SF in all three major platforms. For an animation that so small and simple were extremely thorough and fore thinking. You guys did an excellent job of thinking about you potentially want in your product and I have got to applaud you for that