I can relate and understand Arekusa, and I know we all can. He's right. We need to care for our mental health because as we grow there are things we read, see, experience where it could affect who we are, and change us. And that's true for everybody. Sometimes we need a breather and support from our friends, family, and loved ones. We don't have to go through it and handle it on our own.
Normally I don't like reading interviews about anything in general, but I'm always happy to read ones about ero manga!
I found this one rather interesting, really.
I can't explain how strongly this advice speaks to me and the way I've been feeling lately. Thank you, and keep on rockin', Arekusa Mahoone.
(is it strange that the content I look forward to the most on this site are the interviews with artists?)
This is one of the best things to come out of you guys translating Magazines, it gives insight into the authors & their field of work I can hardly find anywhere else.
There's one interview per month, published in X-Eros. As you might imagine, they're really low priority. Most people are here for the hentai, after all. But beyond that, there's currently only one translator working on magazines; we're usually bottlenecked on typesetters, but an interview as long as this takes a long time to translate. For comparison, this interview has a similar character count to the 44-page chapter "Let Your Smile Bloom Chapter 3." Quite a bit different from a spread, for example, which takes virtually no time from both translator and typesetter.
tl;dr: We're working on getting more staff, until then, don't hold your breath.