Maybe Taki follows the advice from the miller in the Canterbury Tales: “I have a wife, by God, as well as thou;†¨/Yet I would not, for the oxen in my plow,†¨/Take upon me more than enough (trouble),†¨Â /As to believe of myself that I were one (a cuckold);†¨/I will believe well that I am not one.†¨/ A husband must not be inquisitive†¨/ Of God's secrets, nor of his wife.†¨/ So long as he can find God's plenty there,†¨/ Of the rest he needs not enquire."
Mana's chubby, shy girl, sex loving character design is just too perfect!
Last Modified Mon May 15, 2023, 12:52 pm
"I had a dream but it turned to dust,
And what I thought was love
That must've been lust."
Last Modified Mon May 15, 2023, 11:09 am