As The Black Moon Rises, Trouble Always Follows...
Jirou Kuronuma's life has always been a big pile of garbage, and it seems like it's going to continue that way. What he thought was his lucky night–getting a date with a beautiful enchantress–ends with Jirou eviscerated while staring at the jaws of a demonic seductress! Knocking at death's door, he's saved by Levi, a twintail'd terror with a real sadistic streak, and wakes up in a foreign land far from his home. Indebted to his savior, he's now Levi's little servant, assisting her in breaking the spell that has limited her black magic skills. Jirou better start kneeling to his new master because she doesn’t want a slacker slave that's stale in the sack!
Black Moon Prophecy 1 is the first volume of a new ongoing series from western artist gy!
A whole new Isekai adventure set in a demonic world backdropped by a hot springs hotel run by devilishly desirable onis, gy takes readers on horror-tinged hijinks that'll give you goosebumps! Collecting seven sinister chapters, Black Moon Prophecy 1 includes not only updated text and art, but includes an exclusive chapter featuring the gang going on a fishing trip that turns sideways! This is FAKKU's third title published by gy, previously releasing
Shady Dealings and
Thicker Than Water!
Paperback ships December 2022
Chapters will become available starting March 3 4pm PST
Downloads will be available March 10 4pm PST
Last Modified Thu Feb 24, 2022, 8:58 pm