If only pressing the tip of your dick directly against a girl's cervix didn't result in serious pain for the woman I'm pretty sure giving that deep of a creampie would be amazing.
I don't know if I'm overthinking it, but I think there's more to the story than what we just read, those scenes of him working and all that makes me think a lot, but well gorgoeus art, going to favs
You're comment prompted me to go back and look at all the background movement in the panels that weren't just straight up sex scenes; and here is what I think.
Man works for an underground construction/utility/mining company (what looks like utility cable popping up occasionally, the presence of that ungodly large truck which is actually used in real life iron mines). One the panels we see has an enourmous drill (the weird cylinder. It has "teeth" on the end to grab and rip rock) breaking though a wall with several effects that seem to indicate some sort of collapse or explosion.
Following this we see men yelling out Man's name and get a mention of toxic gas. This is most likely a rescue crew. Later we see Man in a group of his coworkers. He is singled out by a man in an over coat and brought to what appears to be a medical room/facility.
Later, we get a single panel of him staring at a ceiling in what looks to be a tunnel. Also, in the following page (as he's railing Woman) we get the following line: "you're so rough since you got back"
From all this, I surmise that the Man was involved in a tunnel/mine collapse and trapped for X amount of time. During X amount of time he was exposed to toxic gasses. This exposure necessitated a follow-up with a physician and likely time to wait for lab results. This very real confrontation of his mortality is the push he needs to confess and propose. Either tha or she is a legitimate angel and he dies at the end.
was it just me r was this a lil hard to follow. by no means am i saying its bad i liked it but somethings werent very clear and other thing misleading or unnecessary
I feel like this has some religious metaphor... probably only because she's called Tenko but it seems like he worked him self to death and is joining her in her 'house'.
So kids, remember to not overwork yourselves for pretty angel girls
Not sure if it was him working himself to death necessarily. They did make mention of Toxic Gas on the work site and there were a few other semi-ominous things in the background that do kind of hint at there having been something bad that happened though.
The sequel... he is getting stressed at work. Boss visits him at home to deliver the bad news that he is getting laid off. Wife answers the door, husband is out shopping. "I'm sorry but husband hasn't been delivering at work, I have to let him go." Please bossman, don't fire my husband, I'll do anything..
Nah she is like a wealthy heiress she will just get daddy to give him a job in management. That or her dad owns the company and just has him fired instead lol.
Something about that title page made me think this was going to be like a serious kind of story or something, maybe it's just the amazing art.
A bit off from what I expected, but I still absolutely loved it. The tale of a man who works hard for the girl he loves. Sounds absolutely normal, but told in a rather compelling manner.
I really liked it.
This story seemed magnificent from the spread we got some time ago and the real thing could really stand up to it... 38 pages pure beauty and an ending that holds my hopes up for a second chapter...
What a nice dream, indeed! At the parts of the story where his job was shown I had the bad feeling of his upcoming death at the end of the story... I'm really happy that I interpreted too much into those parts...