This is the most weirdly relatable relationship in hentai. Their relationship feels more like a product of circumstance and convenience than any highbrow romance. Which again, is understandable.
The only major concern here is how transactional Hana seems to make it and how embarrassed Takamatsu seems over the whole situation. Takamatsu seems to feel like he would rather be in a situation that’s not so odd but I’m happy to see him relent and not break up the group. I hope for a sequel where the two of them upgrade from inseparable se friends to a proper couple. I think they’re both cute together and they deserve more.
Indeed. Also, stand up is incredibly brutal from what I have seen and hear about. I hope Hana sees their relationship as more than transactional in the future and Takamatsu gets some confidence about his comedy.
This was a pretty depressing story. These two have wasted seven years on a pointless relationship. They don't have the companionship and support a normal relationship would have at this point, and they're not in a position to find someone who can be a companion to them. The girl is clearly hurting from this and the guy is struggling to. The artist does a great job in capturing that.
The only major concern here is how transactional Hana seems to make it and how embarrassed Takamatsu seems over the whole situation. Takamatsu seems to feel like he would rather be in a situation that’s not so odd but I’m happy to see him relent and not break up the group. I hope for a sequel where the two of them upgrade from inseparable se friends to a proper couple. I think they’re both cute together and they deserve more.
Last Modified Sun Oct 20, 2024, 7:29 pm
Last Modified Tue Oct 22, 2024, 4:10 am