"As a man, what other reason is there? He just wanted her, or so he says, but a girl who was sort of abandoned by her family due to rape and a man who, well, lives alone in the mountains? They kind of go together quite well. Great ending too. That small smile of hers...It convinced me that they're quite happy together and I love it. Sometimes, words aren't even needed to convey feelings. They aren't alone anymore since they have each other, and hey...One day, they'll have a new family.
Aww, she just wanted to be loved body and soul. Also, realistic in that in the old days, when women were caught doing promiscuous stuffs the only way out for the family was to claim rape. Most of the time the women where locked away or thrown out in the street. This woman fortunately got a second chance.
He just wanted her, or so he says, but a girl who was sort of abandoned by her family due to rape and a man who, well, lives alone in the mountains? They kind of go together quite well.
Great ending too. That small smile of hers...It convinced me that they're quite happy together and I love it. Sometimes, words aren't even needed to convey feelings.
They aren't alone anymore since they have each other, and hey...One day, they'll have a new family.
Last Modified Sat Sep 16, 2017, 10:43 pm