Ooh, I'd hold off on granting that raise if I was him and I don't think he'll need her to say "I do" either. Just now you gotta hope she's bright enough to give her bf a test run.
LOL...I just read the description of this story. "A modern high schooler's solution to cash problems and sexual urges!?" Maybe in h-world. Would create some serious problems in the real world, esp in the States.
Very fun and sexy. Can't we have cheating without ugly bastard though? Enough of the fat guys!
Although in this one he isn't too bad and it's kinda funny too.
Boy, I'd also like to think that he's leeching off her, but there's also a safe assumption that he's also in high school and on the soccer team on top of it, so he wouldn't have time to have even a parttime job. I'm sure he'd settle (or is settling) for a normal high school dating scene on a normal high school dating budget. Her true intentions and reasonings, on the other hand, is a little harder to infer. He definitely would settle for normal high school dating if he thought there was a possibility of what's actually going on.
Yeah, and it is not uncommon for a couple to "leech" off eachother. My brother "leeched" off his gf during studies. Now she "leeches" off him. We all do what we can to support eachother. Now, in hentaiworld mmmmeeeehhhh...