Fuck yes, the awkwardly-believable-anatomy, typical-Hentai-attitude, what-are-those-weird-frames-about sequel. (As for the last one... I don't think I've ever seen frames that have no bar on the TOP. The usual reasons for half-frames are so that the metal doesn't irritate your facial skin, or for people that fixate on the frames while reading. Both of those would imply framelessness on the BOTTOM...)
I've actually had a number of frames without tops, and without frames entirely (just lenses with sticks cut into them, basically). Anyway, it's works on chicks.
I proudly confess to the fact that I've only watched like 10-12 anime in my life, almost all of them due to pushy friends. Some of us just like games and comics. Anime aren't usually my thing. You can sue me, my friend. :P Until the subpoena arrives, let's fap to glasses chicks.
Plus, Itou's just the right mix of earnest, sweet, tease, and horny. Damn.
Last Modified Sat Mar 26, 2016, 8:53 pm