It feels like we're missing a page where Kaoru finds a hypnosis app on Keisuke's phone when Keisuke is in the shower, which leads to wanting her to cheat and have his baby so badly.
This chapter went from meeting the cute next-door, newlywed housewife to bathroom sex and promises of love and wanting another man's baby.
That's called going 0 to impregnated in 20 pages flat.
With 5 of the last 6 chapters, Soramame-san is on a impregnation tag kick.
Hair down Kaoru + beauty mark is just incredible.
It's almost one step removed from "Oops, I've fallen naked into the shower and onto your dick. It would be a shame if I got pregnant lol wink." It almost feels like there's a nefarious motive for being so... accommodating.
What exactly would he be claiming (aside from the baby) and WHY?!? She is his only sexual experience ever, is older than he is, is overly comfortable with guile and betrayal, and has a range of other potential motivations he knows nothing about. Why be a fool and claim what can't be claimed? Why go into the situation foolishly thinking that she would never use the same deceptive skill set on him (our eager male "protagonist" ) that she's decided to use so effortlessly on her husband?!? This is a teachable moment in his life, an opening entry into a database that will ultimately round him into a man. She absolutely is not "the one". He needs to keep it SUPERcasual; a positive pregnancy test when she is sexually active with at least 2 men is a hard maybe in the paternity department, not the foundation of a happily ever after. Just saying...
Middle panel of Page 1 has Kaoru exclaiming "Oh My, Oh My", which can sometimes be rendered in Japanese as "Ara-Ara". It is safe to conclude that in this story, Soramame-sensei really did drop upon us the "Ara-Ara Sexy Onee-san".